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Ogunderin Temple



IFA Reading of the Year 2023-2024

Eriwo Ya!!!

In the name of Olodumare, Orunmila and all other Orisa, we greet everybody throughout the globe. We also extend the greetings of His Eminence Owolabi Awodotun Aworeni, the Araba/Olu-Isese Agbaye (the Permanent Chairman of the Council of Araba/Oluwo, the Pillar of the International Council for Ifa Religion (ICIR)) to you all in this season of the World Ifa Festival. With the combined efforts of Board of Ethics and Scripture and the Council of Elders of ICIR, we the members of Publication Committee of the Oke-Itase 2023/2024 Organising Committee set up by the International Council for Ifa Religion are hereby presenting verses of the Ifa of the year recited with inspiration by the priests on the mat in the early hours of Sunday, 4th June, 2023, which stands as the first day of the year in Ifa calendar system. The Odu Ifa that came out for this year is IROSUNOSA (IROSUN on the right, OSA on the left). The Odu came with Ire Aiku (Longevity) and to achieve this, ebo is recommended. Ifa Priests from Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Republic of Togo, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, United States of America, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Panama, Britain, Switzerland, Ghana and Sweden made their contributions. The verses of Irosunosa recited with their narratives are below:



On the issue of blessings, Ifa says there is need to make ebo and thereafter appease our ancestors in their burial ground. The items of ebo include a rooster, kola nuts, calabash, money and gin. After one has made the ebo, six kola nuts will be put inside the calabash and covered. The person will take the calabash and gin to the burial ground of his/her ancestor and pray and leave it there till the next day. The next day, he/she will open the calabash, pray and sacrifice the six kola nuts and gin to the ancestor(s). On this, Ifa says:

Akope eluju ni gbohun Olorun

A difa fun Mabomi

Omo afigba bowa mole

Lojo to n sunkun poun o nire gbogbo

Ebo ni won ni ko wa se

O gbebo nibe o rubo

Oojo a sigba obi, nigba ire si

Akope Eluju ni gbohun Olorun

Cast Ifa for Mabomi

He who had has his fortunes covered in calabash

When he was longing for fortunes

He was advised to make ebo

He complied

It is the very day we open the calabash of kola nuts that the calabash of fortunes open


There will be a lot of blessings for us this year. To attain this, ebo is needed as well as appeasement of Ifa. The items of ebo include 2 rats, 2 fish, 2 hens, a goats and a pangolin. The pangolin will be used to appease Ifa with the goat. After the ebo and the appeasement, we need to be closer to Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Agbon ni jeun sibi kanndo

Irosun lawo eyin osa

A difa fun Olofin

Eyi ti won ni o wa dipo Ifa mu

Dope mu o riwa

Akika! Dope mu o riwa. Akika!

Eni ba dope mu ni nire gbogbo

Akika! Dope mu o riwa. Akika!

Agbon ni jeun sibi kindo

Irosun lawo eyin osa

Cast Ifa for Olofin

Who was advised to hold on to Ifa

Hold on to Ope and be blessed

Akika! Hold on to Ope and be blessed. Akika!

It is he who holds on to Ope that receives fortunes

Akika! Hold on to Ope and be blessed. Akika!


For people whose paths are being blocked by enemies, ebo is needed and there is need to appease the Iyami. Items of ebo include 4 pigeons, gin, palm oil, money and big rat. After the ebo, the big rat will be used for ipese for the Iyami.

Irosun saara gara

O doju dele piri

A difa fun Orunmila Opitan

Baba n be nirogun awon eleye

Mo fun yin ni ohun ti e n wa

E fire mi sile

Mo fun yin ni ohun ti e n wa

Irosun saara gara

O doju de pira

Cast Ifa for Orunmila, the Historian

When he was facing war from spiritually powerful women

I have given to you what you want

Release my fortune for me

I have given to you what you want


There might be frustration from the rulers, leaders or the government but it will later turn good for the traditionalists. Leaders should not maltreat the subjects. Ifa says many people will be free of servitude this year. After freedom from bondage, people will become wealthy. We should always appease our Ori and Ifa every week. Ifa says we should also use edible things to appease our Egbe. The story is about Origbemika who was serving Olusin. Origbemika used to appease Ori for Olusin. After appeasing Ori for Olusin, Olugbemika would also appease Ori for himself and pray that his Ori should take him to a better place in case there was any. People heard him and reported to Olusin. Olusin was angry and said there could never be any better place than his palace for Origbemika. He made a coffin and put Origbemika inside. He threw the coffin inside a flowing river. The river carried the coffin to a town where they were looking for a stranger to enthrone as king. They saw the strange item, opened it and were surprised to find a man inside. He was then installed as the king. Funny enough, this town where Origbemika was enthroned was superior to the town ruled by Olusin. After the coronation of Origbemika as the king, all the vassal towns under him came to pay homage with tributes, Olusin included. Origbemika could not be recognized by Olusin because, the face of the former was covered with the beads of the crown. He asked Olusin about his subject, Origbemika and Olusin said, people reported him and he has thrown him in a river. It was then that Origbemika removed the beads and Olusin was surprised to see the king. On this, Ifa says:

Gbadiye sin

Mi o rowo osin

A difa fun Origbemika

Eyi ti n se eru Olusin

Keepe keejina

E wa bani ni wowo ire

N laa bani lese kan ope

Gbadiye sin

Mi o rowo osin

Cast Ifa for Origbemika

Who was a servant of Olusin

Before a long time

Come and meet us amidst fortunes

In such condition we meet people who follow Orunmila


Good character is needed to receive blessings. Appeasement of Ori is very important this year. People should not go out or go to the market any time they appease their Ori this year and vice versa. Individuals should take note of the days of the most popular market in their respective towns, and they should not appease their Ori on the day. The story is about Orunmila and others who wanted to choose destiny and character. It is said that the same day and time when one can choose destiny at Ido coincided with the day and time for choosing character at Ejigbomekun market. If one chose destiny at Ido, he/she could not meet up to choose character that very day and vice versa. Therefore, it was advisable to do one and postpone the other to the following year because, it was once in a year. Orunmila chose Ori, destiny at Ido and did not bother to go to the market for character. Those who attempted to do the two together lost both. Then, the following year, Orunmila went to choose character at the market while others then were able to achieve just one and there was no opportunity again for them again. Therefore, Orunmila was the only person who chose both Ori, Destiny and Iwa, Character. On this, Ifa says:

Ekuro orita ni o senu sonso soloko

A difa fun Orunmila

To n lo ree yan ori lode Ido

On lo ree yan iwa loja Ejigbomekun

Ela nikan lo niwa rere

Awon to yanri, won ko tile riwa mu

Ela nikan lo niwa rere

Ekuro orita ni o senu sonso soloko

Cast Ifa for Orunmila

When going to choose his destiny in the city of ido

When going to choose his character at the market of Ejigbomekun

It is only Ela (Orunmila) who has character

Many people who have good destiny, they do not have good character

It is only Ela (Orunmila) who has character


Ifa sees all fortunes for us. We should always utter positive statements and pray for good things for ourselves and others. Ifa says whatever the priests say will always come to pass. Therefore, there should not be negative utterances. Ebo must be made with 4 pigeons, honey, gin, kola nuts, rats, fish, hen and money. On this, Ifa says:

Pasan waara o

Awo ju awo lo

A difa fun won ni irosunsaara

Ekun ire gbogbo ni won n sun

Won ni won oo nire lopolopo ebo ni won o maa se

Won gbebo nibe won rubo

Bawo ba pe a oo lowo

A maa lowo

Pasan waara o

Awo ju awo lo

Pasan waara

One awo is surely greater that the other

Ifa revelation to the people of Irosunsaara

When they were longing for good things

They were promised of all fortunes but must make sacrifice

They complied

When Ifa priests predicts fortune of riches, one will surely be rich

Pasan waara

Some Awo are surely greater than others


Ifa says ebo is needed for great achievements. Ebo is needed with, 2 cocks, 2 hens, 2 snails, hook, blade, ewe emu, cotton thread, palm oil, solid corn meal and money, after the ebo, Ifa will be appeased with a hen and a snail while Ori will be appeased with a snail and cock. On this, Ifa says:

Ti a ba ti rubo ginngin

Ebo a da ginngin

Ti a ba rubo pataki

Ebo a da pataki

Ebo pataki lo to agbalagba gba

Aso nlanla lo to babalawo fi bora

A difa fun Akika

Nijo to n sohun gbogbo ni amubo

Akika ooo! Akika!

Akika kari a ko

Oro esi e ma si ninu mi

Se ni igbin se omuwe

Lara igbin se tutu

When we make little sacrifice

We see little result

When we make enormous sacrifice

We see enormous results

It is enormous sacrifice that can solve problems of great people

It is big cloth that is good for Ifa priest to cover the body

Ifa revelation to akika

When he was unable to achieve success

Akika oooo! Akika!

Akika, hide your head

I do not harbor any past issue

The nail swims

So, the snail’s life is comfortable


For one to be guided through difficult situations, appeasement of Ori is needed. Also, River must be appeased. On this, Ifa says:

Ololo babalawo Omi

A difa fun Omi

Lojo ti Omi n torun bo waye

Won ni yoo nipa lopolopo, ebo ni ko se

O si gbebo nibe o rubo

Kaka komi o sina

Atari Omi a lana fomi rin

Ololo the Ifa priest of Omi, the Water

Cast Ifa for Omi, the Water

When Omi was coming from the celestial realm

It was advised to make ebo to have impact

It made the prescribed ebo

Instead of Omi, the Water to miss its path

The head of Omi, the Water, will pave way for Omi


Ifa says it is very important to have helpers in order to be successful in life, for people to come across helpers ebo is needed. Also, for business men/women, farmers and other people who engage in one business or the other, to profit and be blessed, ebo is needed. The items of ebo include a cutlass, 4 pigeons, honey and money. On this, Ifa says:

Asese la oorun

Lo n ta ogiri lese

A difa fun Ataare

A bu fun Oloburo

Lojo ti won n roko alere lodun

Ebo ni won ni ki won se

Ataare nikan ni n be leyin to n rubo

Ataare reni gba idi e

O n fi Oloburo se esin

Oloburo iba reni gba idi e

Iba so ju Ataare lo

Asese la oorun

Lo n ta ogiri lese

Cast Ifa for Ataare

Cast Ifa for Oloburo

When they were going to the farm

They were advised to make ebo

It was only Ataare who made the prescribed ebo

Ataare has somebody to take care of it

It is making jest of Oloburo

Had Oloburo has someone to take care of it

It would have produced more seeds than Ataare



Ifa says we should be closer to Ifa for protection. Ebo is needed with 2 rat, 2 fish, 2 hens, kola nuts, palm oil, corn meal, a goat and money. After the ebo, Ifa will be appeased with the goat. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun saara gagaga

A difa fun Dopemu

Ti somo bibi inu Agbonniregun

Lojo to n be laarin ota

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbebo nibe o rubo

Ope mo di o mu

Ki o ma yin mi nu

Iyere ara igi kii won danu

Irosun saara gagaga

Cast ifa for Dopemu

Who was a child of Agbonniregun

When he was amidst enemies

He was told to make ebo

He complied

Ope, I hold on to you

Do not reject me

The iyere on the tree is never rejected


Ifa has promised us protection. Ifa says there are evil forces here and there, but Ifa will be protecting us. For protection against all evil forces, Ifa says we should make ebo with 3 unripe plantain, 3 cocks, 3 big rats, palm oil, 3 solid paps and money. On this, Ifa says:

Arosun sa a oo ro

Afairosun sa a oo ro

Ewiri se wuyewuye fara bi kankan

A difa fun Orunmila

Lojo tiku gba ile

Lojo ti arun gba odo

Ti gbogbo ajogun ibi gba oko

Kin ni o gba mi lowo ibi?

Ogede agbaagba! Oun ni o gba mi lowo ibi

A rosun sa, a oo ro

Afairosun sa, a oo ro

Ewiri se wuyewuye fara bi Kankan

Cast Ifa for Orunmila

When death was chasing him

When disease was chasing him

When all bad forces were chasing him

What will rescue me from all evil forces?

Ogede agbaagba! Will rescue me from evil forces



Ifa says there will be victory over enemies. The leaders of the conspirators will die and others will desist from the bad acts. Ebo is needed and after the ebo, an akose will be made with orupa tree. On this, Ifa says:

Awa won la jo n sawo nigba egbaa ogun

Awa won la jo n sawo nigba egbaa ogbon

O wa tabuse gada, won lawon o ni bawo se mo

A difa fun Yerepe, ti somo oloro niju

Lojo ti n be laarin osiiri

Lojo to n be nirogun ota

Ota yeye lorun mi gbayi o

Orupa oko! O ba pakan fun mi nibe

Yerepe de, omo oloro niju

Bo ba ku somode

A ku sagbalagba

We have been doing things together for forty thousand years

We have been doing things together for sixty thousand years

At a point, they decided to stay away from us

Ifa revelation to Yerepe, an offspring of a wealthy in the forest

When it was amidst conspirators

When it was amidst enemies

I am surrounded by a lot of enemies

Orupa tree from the farm! You should kill one of them for me

Here is Yerepe, an offspring of the wealthy being from the forest

As it stings the young ones

So it stings the elderly ones


Irosunosa says Sango should be appeased with a ram to overcome enemies. On this, Ifa says:

Olosun saara gaga

A difa fun sango, Olukoso lalu

Arabambi arigba ota segun

Nijo ti n be laarin ota

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo nibe o rubo

kin ni o ba mi segun ota mi?

Agbo girisa! N ni o ba mi segun ota mi

Olosun saara gaga

Cast Ifa for Sango, Olukoso

Arabambi, one with two hundred stones

When he was amidst enemies

He was advised to make ebo

He made the ebo

What will overpower my enemies for me?

Strong ram! It is it that will help me overcome my enemies.

4. WAR

Ebo is needed to avert war. Ifa says, we will not be consumed by war. All battles will be over and there will be peace in our land. Ebo is needed for thorough normalcy to return to our land, on this, Ifa says:

Irosun so

Aje be

A difa fun Oloburo omo atidi sowo eje

Igba ti n be lagbatemo ogun araye

Won ni o rubo ko le baa jagun segun

O gbebo nibe o rubo

Ogun to de lale ana ta n kapo si

Irorun lo ma da

Ogun ti si lo

Idunnu de ti deyin bo

Ara riro ti wa dire

Irosun did fart

The powerful women ran away

Cast Ifa for Oloburo, a woman who was still menstruating

When she was facing battles

She was advised to make ebo

She made the prescribed ebo

The war that broke out yesterday that we were ready with ammunitions to face

Things have returned to normalcy

The war has ended

Happiness has returned

The agony has given way to joy



Ifa says the barren will become parents. They are advised to make ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish and 4 hens including solid corn meal, palm oil, kola nuts and money. After the ebo, Ifa will be appeased. On this, Ifa says:

Ekuro orita ni o senu sonso soloko

A difa fun won ni Irosun Omosa

Ekun omo ni won n sun

Won ni won oo bimo lopolopo

Ebo ni ki won o se

Won si gbebo nibe, won rubo

Keep e, ke e jinna

E wa bani ni jebutu omo

Ni jebutu omo laa bani lese Obarisa

Ekuro orita ni o senu sonso soloko

Cast Ifa for the people of Irosun Omosa

When they were longing for children

They were assured of plenty children

They were advised to make ebo

Before long

Meet us amidst many children

It is amidst children we meet people at the feet of Obarisa


People should appease Osun for popularity and children. On this, Ifa says:

A rosun sa a oo ro

A o rosun sa a oo ro

A difa fun Yemese ti n re ile Ido

Ti n lo ree deni apesin pitipiti

Ta la n bo nibe borun ba pe?

Osun ! Ore Yeye o!

N la n bo nibe borun ba pe

A rosun sa, a oo ro

A ko rosun sa, a oo ro

Cast ifa for Yemese, when going to the city of Ido

Ans she would have many followers

Who do we worship here every fifth day (every week)?

Osun! Ore Yeye o!

Is the one to worship here every fifth day (every week)


For the barren, ebo is needed with 3 cocks, palm oil, solid corn meal, money, bitter kola and gin. After the ebo, Sango will be appeased with bitter kola, gin and a big rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Ito oru ni o ro kusukusu da waiwai

A difa fun won ni Irosun omosa

Ekun omo ni won n sun

Omo ni n oo fi gba

Akuko gogoro ti mo fun Sango

Omo ni n oo fi gba

Ito Oru ni o ro kusukusu da waiwai

Cast Ifa for the people of Irosun Omosa

When they were longing for children

It is child that I will receive in exchange

The mature cock that I gave to Sango

It is child that I will receive in exchange


Ifa says that majority of the children that will be born in our land this year will be children of Ogun. Also, this year, population of the male children will outnumber that of the female children. Ifa says that the energy of Ogun will manifest in majority of the children of Oodua this year and they will be ready to promote their heritage. Ebo is needed and appeasement of Ogun is necessary so that the energy is channeled towards positive activities. Ebo should be made with 3 cocks, palm oil, kola nuts, palm wine, solid corn meal, beans, pop corn and money. After the ebo, Ogun will be appeased. On this, Ifa says:

Olosun sa, a oo ro

Olosun o sa, a oo ro

Ewiri senu fakafiki fena jo

A difa fun Ogun

To n moju ekun sogbere omo

Oko, omo Ogun ni

Ada, omo Ogun ni

Esin, omo Ogun ni

Oko, omo Ogun ni


Lakolako logun bimo

Olosun sa, a oo ro

Olosun o sa, a oo ro

Ewiri senu fakafiki fena jo

Cast ifa for Ogun

When he was longing for children

Oko, the Hoe, is a child of Ogun

Ada, the Cutlass, is a child of Ogun

Esin, the Javelin, is a child of Ogun

Oko, the Spear, is a child of Ogun

All and sundry

Ogun is giving birth to strong children


For pregnant women, Ifa said we should make ebo for easy delivery. The items of ebo include rats, fish, hen, palm oil, solid corn meal and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ketekete ni forunkun jagbo

Ibaaka ni feyin gunmole

A difa fun Aboyun Olu-Ife

Eyi to diwo dise sinu

Won ni ko rubo ko le bi tibitire

O gbebo nibe o rubo

Igba ti a rosun n la romo

Ketekete ni forunkun jagbo

Ibaaka ni feyin gunmole

Cast Ifa for the pregnant woman of Olufe

When she was pregnant

She was told to make ebo to deliver safely

She made the necessary ebo

It is the day we see camwood that we see child



The other name of this odu is Irosunonisin (Irosun who reiterates significance of worship). This odu appears to remind us of the need to take worship of Orisa more serious. Ifa is telling us that people have derailed from the path of Olodumare. Devotees are not doing the right thing concerning worshipping. In particular, Ifa is emphasizing fifth day (weekly) worship (Ose Oroorun) of our respective Orisa. For example, the worship on Ojo Awo should be taken serious by devotees of Orunmila, Osun, Olokun, Osanyin, Ela and Yemoja; Ojo Ogun by devotees of Ogun, Ija, Orisa-Oko, Erinle and Osoosi; Ojo Jakuta by devotees of Sango, Oya, Bayanni, Obaluaye, Bukuu and Aganju while Ojo Obatala should be taken serious by devotees of Yemoo, egungun, Obatala, Egbe, Oro and Orisa Oke. However, for convenience, to allow proper inclusive participation of our people, weekend worship in temples should be taken serious as well. We should note that the worship in temples every Saturday or Sunday combines worshipping more than one Orisa at a period; it gives room to worshiping by devotees of many Orisa at a time at the same venue. Ifa says we should establish more shrines and temples across our land. Every devotee should appease his/her Orisa with favourite food of the Orisa. On this, Ifa says:

Orunmila wi isin

Mi isin

O ni bi orun ba to

Ki alaworo Ogun ki o ko isin fun Ogun

Orunmila wi isin

Mi isin

O ni bi orun ba to

Ki alaworo Ija ki o ko isin fun Ija

Orunmila wi isin

Mi isin

O ni borun ba to

Ki gbogbo atele Imole ko isin fun Imole won

Aro ile yii oludoro

Odofin ile yii osika

Awon ni won petepero

Won ni ki won o ma ko isin fun Orunmila mo

Ariya olusin

Mo ma rusin de o

Ariya olusin

Isin eku nisin eku

Ariya olusin

Mo ma rusin de o

Ariya olusin

Isin eja nisin eja

Ariya olusin

Mo ma rusin de o

Ariya olusin

Orunmila said “Worship”

I repeat the word “worship”

He said every fifth day

Ogun devotees should worship Ogun

Orunmila said “Worship”

I repeat the word “Worship”

He said every fifth day

Ija devotees should worship Ija

Orunmila said “Worship”

I repeat the word “Worship”

He said every fifth day

All devotees of Imole should worship their respective Imole

Chief Aro in this house is a malevolent being

Chief Odofin of this land is a wicked person

They are the one who misled people to desist from worshipping Orunmila

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship

I have come to worship

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship

The rats have their own mode of worship

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship

I have come to worship

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship

The fish have their own mode of worship

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship

I have come to worship

With singing, dancing and merriment that befit worship


Ifa says people should try to get initiated to Ifa to attain greatness; People who are initiated to Ifa will be great. Ifa says initiated people should not be temperamental. They should always try to control their temperament. Most importantly, people should not react angrily to their Oluwo, Ojugbona, Iyanifa, teachers or leaders. Every beneficiary of material thing or spiritual deed should never pay back the benefactors with evil but appreciation always. People should try to appreciate their Oluwo, Ojugbona, Iyanifa, teachers and leaders either in kind or in cash. To be great, Ebo should be made with 2 rats, 2 fish, 2 hens, kola nuts, palm oil, bitter kola, a goat and a ram. After the ebo, Ifa will be appeased with rat, fish, hen and goat while Sango will be appeased with a ram. On this, Ifa says:

Wonnawonna o ku meji

O ku meji ni bee

Wonnawonna o ku meji

O ku meji ni bee

Arira oke ni beji rin ni muna lowo

Arira oke ni beji rin ni tumo eji yagbayagba

A difa fun Gbagaaroko

To n lo ree te Sango nifa

Ebo lawo ni ko se

Bi o ba joba tan

Ko mama se gbagbe awo

Gbagaaroko lo te Sango nifa

Wonnawonna o ku meji

O ku meji ni bee

Wonnawonna o ku meji

O ku meji ni bee

Arira oke ni beji ja ni muna lowo

Arira oke ni beji ja ni tumo eji yagbayagba

Cast Ifa for Gbagaaroko

When going to initiate Sango into Ifa

He was advised to make ebo

When you become king

Do not forget the Ifa Priest

It is Gbagaaroko who initiated sango into Ifa


Ifa says many people will revert back to Isese, the Yoruba Traditional Religion/Spirituality this year. Many conspiracies against Oodua tradition will be exposed and lies demystified. Irosunosa says Isese will witness influx of great people. However, the leaders and all people promoting the ways of Orisa should make ebo after which akose will be prepared for them with ewe esisi (esisi leaves), akosin rat and head of osin bird. On this, Ifa says:

Aro ile yii odoro

Odofin ile yii osika

Ejemu ile yii, Ejemu ibi ni

A difa fun Orunmila Ajana

Nijo won ni won o ni sin Orunmila mo

Esisi agbonrin ni n ko won bo wa sin mi

Eku akosin lo ni ki e bo wa sin

Ori Osin ko ni buruburu

Ko ma deni apesin

Me saise eni aisin

Akosin mi de

Won si n bo wa sin mi

Chief Aro of this land is malevolent

Chief Odofin of this land is a wicked person

Chief Ejemu of this land is a bad person

That was the declaration of Ifa to Orunmila

When people refused to worship Orunmila

Esisi agborin leaves will make people worship me

Akosin rat will make people come to worship

Osin bird can never be unfortunate

For him not to have followers



People should not consider divorce this year. Couples should try to mend their broken relationships and friends should not fight or allow any kind of break up. Ifa says if divorce, fight or break up should occur, both parties will suffer the adverse effects. Friends or couples should treat each other well and not look down on each other. Ifa says people will lose their honour when they divorce or break up relationships. This is the story of Sango and his wife known as Seere (the rattle gourd). Wherever Sango is going, Seere would be in front and people would know that a prestigious person is coming. The honour would be great. They fought then and divorced against the advice from Ifa. Then, Sango was going to the functions alone. Whenever Sango was coming, nobody would know that any man of honour was coming. This is because, besides the sound of Bata drum, the sound of Seere announces the presence of Sango and adds great honour. The honour given to Sango reduced and Seere also became useless as she could not go to any function by herself. They both suffered and later decided to mend their broken relationship. They came back together and their honour returned. Generally, couples or friends should try to mend their broken relationships so that both parties will not suffer. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun saara gaga

A difa fun Seere ti i se gbaju Sango

Ebo ni won ni won o se

Ero ipo tofa

E wa bani ni wowo ire

N laa bani lese Obarisa

Irosun saara gaga

Cast Ifa for Seere and Sango

They were advised to make ebo

All and sundry

Come and meet us amidst fortunes

It is in such condition we meet followers of Obarisa


Ifa says people should not befriend enemies of their friends; a woman should not make friends with enemy of her husband and vice versa. Ogun should be appeased in the blacksmith workshop to demystify plot of the conspirators. This is the story of Ogun whose enemies wanted to know the food he ate in the morning and at night. They paid Ewiri, the wife to tell them what the husband liked to eat in order to poison him. Funny enough, she did not know what her husband ate. She decided to find out for her new friends, who are the enemies of her husband. One day, Ogun was inside the workshop and Ewiri tiptoed to the place and hid under the stool of Ogun to see whenever he wanted to eat. As she hid under the stool, Ogun did not know and was ready to eat. Ogun started eating live coal. Ewiri was surprised and when she could not hold it again, she exclaimed. Ogun saw her and asked her what her mission was there. With fear, she confessed and in anger, Ogun held her head and forced her to eat live coal which burnt her mouth. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun sa n oo ro

Irosun o sa n oo ro

A difa fun Ewiri ti sobirin Ogun

O loun fe mo oun togun n je sun

O loun fe mo oun togun n je ji


E wa bani laruuse ogun

N la n bani lese Obarisa

Irosun sa n oo ro

Irosun o sa n oo ro

Cast Ifa for Ewiri, who was the wife of Ogun

She said she wanted to know what Ogun took as dinner

She said she wanted to know what Ogun took as breakfast

All those who always follow the instructions of Ifa

Come and meet us in victory

In such situation we meet people at the feet of Obarisa


Infidelity of any nature should be refrained from. Social vices like adultery and fornication should be refrained from in order to avoid untimely death. Also, women should not divorce so that they will not become unmarried for long. Ifa says women who are Apetebi should be very careful. This verse tells the story of Olosun, who divorced Agbonniregun. Then, she was left unmarried because, every man was afraid of moving close to him. On this, Ifa says:

Kukute kukuruku awo eba ona

A difa fun Olosun ti saya Agbonniregun

Eni to ri Olosun ti ko sa

Ile! Ile loko re fi ke o! Ile!

Kukute kukuruku awo eba ona

Cast Ifa for Olosun, who was a wife of Agbonniregun

Whoever sees Olosun and do not stay aloof

Trap! She is used as a trap by her husband! Trap!



Ifa says women should be ready to take their rightful position. Women should summon courage to lead in every aspect be it socio-cultural, educational, economic or political. Ifa says women are in the position to take the land to greater height. Women should make their voices loud. Ifa says women should not be relegated. We must promote our wives and daughters and give them leadership position. Ebo should be made and Orisa Oya appeased. The items of ebo include 2 hens or a goat. After the ebo, Oya will be appeased with a hen or a goat. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun saara gagaga

O doju de pipipi

A difa fun Oya opaka

Eleyi ti oo roro ti oo si ju sango

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbebo nibe o rubo

Bi obirin ba roro a ju oko lo

Oya opaka lo roro to si ju Sango

Bi obirin ba roro a ju oko lo

Irosun saara gagaga

O doju de pipipi

Cast Ifa for Oya Opaka

Who will be fiercer than Sango

She was told to make ebo

She complied

When a woman is fierce, she gets more popular than the husband

It is Oya Opaka that is fiercer, and more popular than Sango

When a woman is fierce, she gets more popular than the husband


Ifa says men should be responsible, otherwise, they will suffer the repercussion of irresponsibility and become servants of their wives. People who are in the position of authority should be responsible for them not to incur the wrath of Olodumare and become wretched. On this, Ifa says:

Oku pe onilu ma jo

A difa fun Ikoko

Lojo to n lo ree di erusin obirin

Ebo ni won ni ko se


E ko rifa awo ki bi ti n se

The dead, though responsible for invitation of the drummers, does not dance

Cast Ifa for Ikoko, the pot

When he wanted to turn himself to servant for woman

He was told to make ebo

He refused to make the ebo all and sundry

See the consequence of refusal to make ebo



Ifa says the leaders of Orisa community of each town should not fight with the king and the latter should not look down on the former. They should maintain mutual relationship for the betterment of the land. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun saara gaga

O sare geere ni popo onipopo

A difa fun Kaabiyesi

O bu owo kan fun Araba

Lojo won jo n sota

Ebo ni won ni ki won se

Ogboogba la n pinwa eni

Oba ma dade o

Araba ma sode

Ogboogba la n pinwa eni

Irosun saara gaga

O sare geere ni popo onipopo

Cast Ifa for Kaabiesi

Cast Ifa for Araba as well

When they were fighting

They were advised to make ebo

Things must be shared equally

Oba has crown on his head

Araba has his neck decorated with beads

Things must be shared equally


The subjects should not disrespect the people in the position of authority. Also, the rulers/kings in Oodua land need to make ebo and appease Obatala so that their authority will not be challenged by subjects and whoever challenged their authorities will have himself/herself blamed. Ebo must be made with a he-goat, gin, corn meal, palm oil and a lot of snails. After the ebo, obatala will be appeased with snails. On this, Ifa says:

Irosun saara gagaga

Ominu n ko eleye

A difa fun Orisanla Oseeremagbo

Ase enu oun o le ku lo n dafa si

Won ni ko kara nile ebo ni ko se

O si gbebo nibe o rubo

Orisa nla pele o

Alabalase! Alase Orisa!

Irosun thunders seriously

The powerful women are afraid

Cast Ifa for Orisanla Oseeremagbo

How he would not lose his authority is the reason behind the consultation

He was told to make ebo

He complied

Orisanla, I hail you

One with authority! The Orisa with power!


Irosunosa says people should not conspire against the rulers and leaders. The kings in Oodua land and other Yoruba global towns, should make ebo for popularity. They need to make ebo with 3 he-goats, 3 big rats, corn meal, palm oil and money. After the ebo, the big rats will be used as ipese for the Iyami and one of the he-goats will be used to appease Esu. On this, Ifa says:

Olunlade awo ni

Olunlosin awo ni

A difa fun Oba Ajalaye

To n sunkun pe oun o lase lenu mo

Otun ilu loun o ni boba se mo

Geerere! Esu Odara maa wo won bo. Geerere!

Osi ilu loun o ni boba se mo

Geerere! Esu Odara maa wo won bo. Geerere!

Oso ilu loun o ni boba se mo

Geerere! Esu Odara maa wo won bo. Geerere!

Aje ilu loun o ni boba se mo

Geerere! Esu Odara maa wo won bo. Geerere

Olunlade is a priest

Olunlosin is a priest

Cast ifa for king Ajalaye

Whose authority was no more impactful

Chiefs on the right side said they would not submit to the authority of the king

Without delay! Esu Odara will surely bring them. Without delay!

Chiefs on the left side said they would not submit to the authority of the king

Without delay! Esu Odara will surely bring them. Without delay!

Powerful men of the land said they would not submit to the authority of the king

Without delay! Esu Odara will surely bring them. Without delay!

Powerful woman of the land said they would not submit to the authority of the king

Without delay! Esu Odara will surely bring them. Without delay!


Ifa says people are back biting the kings. People are saying bad things about them. Though the kings are doing some bad things, people are even misconstruing the good they are doing. There is need for the kings to make ebo with a he-goat, a ram, camwood, local chalk, kola nuts, bitter kola, palm oil, gin and money. After the ebo, Esu will be appeased with kola nut and the he-goat while Sango will be appeased with bitter kola and ram. The story is about Mofoyewa who was a king. People said he was doing bad and they started singing around to ridicule him. He then went for divination and was told to make ebo. After the ebo, people started singing his praise. On this, Ifa says:

Olosun saara gaga

A difa fun Mofoyewa, ti won oo mu joye laafin

Mofoyewa, Oba wa

Igba won fi o joye, o baye je

Mofoyewa, Oba wa

Igba won fi o joye, nile aye gun

Olosun saara gaga

Cast Ifa for Mofoyewa, who would be installed as king in the palace

Mofoyewa, our king

You were enthroned and you destroyed our land

Mofoyewa, our king

You were enthroned and our land witnesses positive developments


1. Do not eat Snake

2. Do not play with fire

3. Do not break up relationship

4. Do not miss your Orisa weekly day worship






Egbe Orun




Verses recorded, transcribed and translated by:

Oluwo Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode, Ph.D (Chairman, Publication Committee)

Chief (Dr.) Abiodun Fafolarin Agboola (Secretary, International Council for Ifa Religion, ICIR)

Chief Adewale Oso, Araba of Oka Akoko

Otunba Kehinde Idowu-Fagbohun

Prince adeyinka Ojopagogo

Miss Fabukola Abike Fakayode

Aboru, Aboye,

World IFA Reading of the year 2023-2024


Let's Connect

Our elder priest Chief Awise Ifadapo Elebuibon was born to be a Ifa priest he has over 20 years of professional experience. He was taught by the best, his father the Araba Ifayemi Elebuibon of Osogbo.  


Osogbo: No. 28, 29, 30  Chief Ifadapo Elebuibon Street, Osogbo, Osun State

Lagos: Face 7, White House, Ikorodu, Lagos State




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