Eriwo Ya!!! In the name of Olodumare, Orunmila and all the Orisa, we greet everybody throughout the globe. We also extend the greetings of His Eminence Owolabi Awodotun Aworeni, the Araba/Olu-Isese Agbaye (the Permanent Chairman of the Council of Araba/Oluwo, the Pillar of the International Council for Ifa Religion (ICIR)) to you all in this season of the World Ifa Festival. With the combined efforts of Board of Ethics and Scripture and the Council of Elders of ICIR, we the members of Publication Committee of the Oke-Itase 2024/2025 Organizing Committee set up by the International Council for Ifa Religion are hereby presenting verses of the Ifa of the year recited with inspiration by the priests on the mat in the early hours of Sunday, 2nd June, 2024, which stands as the first day of the year in Ifa Calendar System.

The Odu Ifa that came out for this year is OTURAOGBE (OTURA on the right, OGBE on the left). The Odu came with Ibi Arun (Disease/Sickness) and to cure or prevent this, ebo is recommended.
Ifa Priests from Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Republic of Togo, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, United States of America, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Panama, Britain, Switzerland, Ghana and Sweden made their contributions. The verses of Oturaogbe recited with their narratives are as follows:
i. Ifa said our life will be sweet. Ebo is needed for likeness and love. We should make ebo with banana, honey and guinea fowl. Ifa said we should appease Ifa with honey and banana. On this, Ifa says:
Mo ji mo ki erin onikun mondurumonduru
Erin ni ki n ma ki oun mo onikun mondurumonduru
Mo ji mo ki efon onikun mondurumonduru
Efon ni ki n ma ki oun mo onikun mondurumonduru
Mo ji mo ki ogbogbo agbonrin onikun mondurumonduru
Ogbogbo agbonrin ni ki n ma ki oun mo onikun mondurumonduru
A difa fun Orunmila
Lojo ti won ni aye Ifa o ni dun momo mo
Ifa ni aye mi a dun joyin lo
Ogede o lepo niyo to fi n dun momo
Ile aye mi a dun joyin lo
I woke up and greet the elephant that has a big stomach
The elephant says I should stop greeting him with his big stomach
I woke up and greet the buffalo that has a big stomach
The buffalo says I should stop greeting him with his big stomach
I woke up and greet the deer that has a big stomach
The deer says I should stop greeting him with his big stomach
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When enemies said his life will not be sweet
Ifa said my life will be sweeter than honey
Banana has neither oil nor salt but it is still sweet
My life will be sweeter than honey
ii. We should appease Ifa with Osan Agbalumo (African Star Apple) for prosperity. After the appeasement, we should partake in the eating of that fruit. Ifa says there is need to eat a lot of fruits especially African Star apple called Osan Agbalumo in Yoruba for its health benefits and wealth. On this, Ifa says:
Ifa kin le da te n se iroke turuye turuye?
Ifa kin le da te n se iruke turuye turuye?
Ifa kin le da te n se ibo kudikudikudi loju opon?
Won ni otura oriko omo owoleji ni
Ifa ni kin le mu tu u
Won ni awon mu eku meji oluwere
Ifa ni ko to Oturaoriko ko loju
Ifa ni osan nikan lo to Oturaoriko ko loju
Ibi awo gbe n musan
Dandan ni ko san fawo
Which odu did you cast that make you waving the iroke beautifully like this
Which odu did you cast that make you waving the irukere beautifully like this
Which odu did you cast that make you waving the ibo beautifully like this
They responded it is Oturaoriko
Ifa said what sacrifice have you made
They responded it is two rats
Ifa said that is not the ebo for Oturaoriko
Ifa said it is osan that should be used as item of sacrifice for Oturaoriko
Wherever we take osan
Life will be better for people
iii. Those who are indebted should make ebo. A lot of people are been depressed because of economic hardship. Ifa says our sorrow will disappear. People have suffered a lot and they will laugh this year. Ifa is advising people against thinking of committing suicide because of financial difficulties. Ifa also says people whose children are living with outsiders because of finance should find a way of bringing home their children. New child in every home will usher in fortunes. On this, Ifa says:
Orere run o run sinu igbo
Ona kan yayaya o ya segan
A difa fun Orunmila
Lojo to n moju ekun sogbere omo
Baba n lo ree bi Alele lomo
Baba n lo ree bi Alele lomo
Baba n lo ree bi Aworan o sun peere o
Alele ko ma e so
Alele ki o ma e so o
Aworan o sun pere ki o ma e so o
Oro ekun ti dayo nile Awo
Orere run o run sinu igbo
Ona kan yayaya o ya segan
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When longing for children
He gave birth to Alele
He gave birth to Alele
He gave birth to Aworan o sun peere
Alele, do not hang yourself
Alele, do not hang yourself
Aworan o sun pere do not hang yourself
The sorrow has turned to joy
iv. There is need to appease our Ori. Ifa says it is one’s Ori that makes one wealthy. People in the position of authority should not be envied. We should understand the concept of destiny and agree with the fact that people get to where they are as predestined. We cannot all be leaders or rulers at the same time. One only needs to pray to one’s Ori for actualization of one’s destiny. On this, Ifa says:
Sonsoro Awo Abata
A difa fun Oloriire Apesin
Sonsoro ma de Awo Abata
Eyin o mo pe olori rere la n pe sin
Sonsoro ma de Awo Abata
Emi lolori rere apesin
Sonsoro, the Ifa priest of the swampy area
Cast Ifa for the lucky person who will have many people under him
Here comes Sonsoro, the Ifa priest in the swampy area
Don’t you know it is one with good head that people serve
Here comes Sonsoro, the Ifa priest in the swampy area
I am the luck person who has many follower
v. Ifa said people should appease Egungun, our ancestors. In the shrines of Egungun, we should put light there for seven days. Also, we should not keep our shrines in darkness this year; we should make sure there is light in the shrines at night. On this, Ifa says:
Erin pele alawo moduru
Otolo pele alawo monduru
A difa fun baba tannatanna
Ti yoo tanna ola sagbala
Awa tanna ola beerebe
Awa tanna ola awa o ku mo
Awa tanna ola beerebe
Elephant, I greet you with your beautiful skin
Bush pig, I greet you with your beautiful skin
Cast Ifa for the Father, who illuminates
Who would illuminate the compound to user in fortunes
We have installed light of wealth
We have installed light of wealth and we do not die
We have installed light of wealth
vi. Ifa said after difficulties come comfort. After strive, people will be successful in their chosen careers. Ebo should be made with 4 pigeons, honey, gin and money. On this, Ifa says:
Igbeyin a dun
A difa fun Ewuro
To ti n jaye ikoro
Kin lo n gbeyin Ewuro?
Adun! Lo n gbeyin Ewuro
The aftermath will be pleasant
Ifa divination for Ewuro, the bitter leaf
When it was experiencing sorrow
What does the aftermath look like for the bitter-leaf?
Sweetness! That is the aftermath of the bitter leaf
i. To overcome external attackers, our leaders should make ebo with a he-goat, head of a leopard, male erinla (traditional cow), male horse, broom. With the ebo, Ifa has promised us victory over any person or group of persons attacking or planning to invade our land. On this Ifa says:
Igun ile abori baara
Akata abaya tiemi
A difa fun Alata ile
A bu fun Alata oko
Lojo ti won n be laarin ota
Ebo ni won ni ki won o se
Won gbebo nibe won rubo
Kini oo gegi wo momi?
Edun ni oo gegi wo momi
Igba igi oko to n dena de edun
Edun ni oo gegi wo momi
Kini oo tu won ka momi?
Owo ni oo tu won ka momi
Igba esinsin to n dena de owo
Owo ni oo tu won ka momi
Kini oo tu won ka momi?
Ekun ni oo tu won ka momi
Igba eranko to n dena de ekun
Ekun ni oo tu won ka momi
Igun ile abori baara
Akata abaya tiemi
Cast Ifa for Alata Ile
Cast Ifa for Alata Oko
When they were amidst enemies
They were asked to make ebo
They complied
What will cut down the tree?
It is the axe that will cut down the tree
Two hundred trees that are waging war against axe
It is the axe that will cut down the tree
What will disperse them?
It is the broom that will disperse them
Two hundred house flies that are waging war against broom
It is the broom that will disperse them
What will disperse them?
It is the leopard that will disperse them
Two hundred animals that are waging war against leopard
It is the leopard that will disperse them
ii. Ifa says enemies will be seriously destroyed. We should include a poisonous snake head in the sacrifice items; 3 cocks or a he-goat. After the ebo, Akose-Ifa will be prepared with this snake head to make soap for individuals or to be buried at the entrances for communities. On this, Ifa says:
Opati opati
A difa fun Orunmila
Lojo ti baba n be laarin ota
Ifa dejo o n san won je
Opati opati
Alade dejo o n san won je
Opati opati
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was amidst the enemies
Ifa has turned to a snake and it is biting the enemies
Opati opati
Ifa has turned to a snake and it is biting the enemies
iii. Ifa says people will be congratulated after victory over challenges. People who have premonition that misfortune will befall them should make ebo and appease Sango. Ifa says all the issues that form life challenges and make them panic will be resolved by Sango. On this, Ifa says:
Aayun o yun
Aawa o wa
Aayun o yunse emere regeregerege
A difa fun Onisan
To n kominu oro merin
Sango san aara gaarara
O paraba kan kokoko ti n be leyinkule Onisan
Aboyun ile Onisan ko haa o bi
Okunrun ile Onisan ko haa o dide
Onyaju ile Onisan ko haa o de
Gbogbo Iworo Isope
E wa bani ki Onisan ku ewu
Gbogbo Iworo Isope
E wa bani ki Sango lorun
Aayun o yun
Aawa o wa
Aayun o yunse emere regeregerege
Cast Ifa for Onisan
While contemplating on four problems
Sango released thunder sounding
It threw away a big bending Araba tree behind Onisan’s house
The pregnant woman in the household exclaimed “Ah” and delivered
The sick person in the house exclaimed “Ah” and got healed
The lost member of the family exclaimed “Ah” and found his way back home
All believers
Let us say congratulations to Onisan
All believers
Help us praise Sango on behalf of Onisan
i. Ifa says ebo is needed for protection against death. This is necessary for leaders and parents for them not to lose followers, relatives or children respectively. The items to sacrifice include 3 cocks or 1 he-goat, a roasted tuber of yam, money, palm oil and corn meal. After the sacrifice, the roasted tuber of yam will be buried like a dead. On this, Ifa says:
Afala gbeni mi toritori
A difa fun Orunmila
Lojo ti won ni ki baba o sinku isu
Ko ma baa sinku eniyan
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Awa o ma ni sinku eniyan
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Aro robi won le won lori
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Awa o ma ni sinku eniyan
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Apada pari ibi da sodo won
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Awa o ma ni sinku eniyan
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Bi akuko ba ko laye
Egbe re a gba a lorun
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Awa o ma ni sinku eniyan
Oku isu lawa oo sin
Afala gbeni mi toritori
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
He was told to bury a tuber of yam
So that he would not bury a human being
It is a yam that we will bury
We will not bury human being
It is a yam that we will bury
Aro leaf should send back their evil forces
It is a yam that we will bury
We will not bury human being
It is a yam that we will bury
It is apada leaf that will turn away their evil forces
It is a yam that we will bury
We will not bury human being
It is a yam that we will bury
When a cock crow on earth
Its mates echo the voice
It is a yam that we will bury
We will not bury human being
It is a yam that we will bury
ii. Ifa said men are at greater risk of death this year. However, with proper ebo and heeding to the pieces of advice from the wives, men will be escaping dangers. On this, Ifa says:
Awon meteeta ni i se ijogun orun
Won dele Alara, won pa Alara
Won dele Ajero, won pa Ajero
Won dele Owarangun aga, won pa Owarangun aga
Won lo ku ile Orunmila
Sebi Eegun-nla-ti-n-saaju-ijo ni mo pe e fun e
Aya awo! Me ma mo mo ki o dabo! Aya awo!
Sebi Ojo-oganjo-ti-n-tagiri-saasaa-lese ni mo pe e fun e
Aya awo! Me ma mo mo ki o dabo! Aya awo!
Sebi Odidimode-ti-n-somo-olojaa-ororo ni mo pe e fun e
Aya awo! Me ma mo mo ki o dabo! Aya awo!
All the three are emissaries from the celestial realm
They went to Alara’s house, they kill Alara
They went to Ajero’s house, they kill Ajero
They went to Owarangun-Aga’s house, they kill Owarangun-Aga
They said it remains Orunmila’s house
But I mentioned to you Eegun-nla-ti-n-saaju-ijo
My wife! It has escaped my mind! My wife!
But I mentioned to you Ojo-oganjo-ti-n-tagiri-saasaa-lese
My wife! It has escaped my mind! My wife!
But I mentioned to you Odidimode-ti-n-somo-olojaa-ororo
My wife! It has escaped my mind! My wife!
iii. Ifa said people should make ebo for protection. The ebo is also to avert untimely death. It is also to receive blessings. The items of ebo include a he-goat, 6 edible frogs and 6 plantains. On this, Ifa says:
Ota pete inu omi ko mo poorun n pa tode
A difa fun Orikoku
Won ni ko rubo laiku ara re
Ori awo koku awo ko ku mo o
Oturaoriko! Ori awo momo ko
Ori awo koku awo ko ku mo o
Konko mefa! Ori awo momo ko
Aya awo wa gbare nigba yii o
Ogede agbagba mefa! Aya awo gbare
A flat granite that lies at the bottom of the body of water
does not know that the heat of the sun
is disturbing the outside one
Cast Ifa for Orikoku
He was told to make ebo for long life
Awo’s head repelled death, Awo will not die
Oturaoriko! Awo’s head does not allow misfortune
Awo’s head repelled death, Awo will not die
Six edible frogs! Awo’s head does not allow misfortune
Awo’s Chest has accepted fortunes
Six big plantains! Awo’s chest has received blessings
iv. Ifa says people should not envy one another. We should be happy with the achievements of each and everybody. We should not because of people’s accomplishments plan evil for them. Ifa said people who are looking for demise of their colleagues or friends should refrain. Also, friends, relatives, politicians or business men who plan to assassinate their colleagues either because of property, money or position should reconsider their plan because, it will backfire. On this, Ifa says:
Ori ni dani ko si onda Ori
Orisa ni pani da ko seni ti pa Orisa da
A difa fun Adigbonnanku omo Ode-eran
Ti ara ile re ko feran re
O ni to ba se bi ise toun ni
Itawere kii lo sorun aide
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Itawere kii lo sorun aide
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Won kii je ila lorun Ekan
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Itawere kii lo sorun aide
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Won kii je ikan lorun Ede
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Itawere kii lo sorun aide
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Won kii je ata lorun Momoniroro
Akuko gagara ko gbodo ko lorun Apaadi
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Itawere kii lo sorun aide
Mo yun mo bo ni ti itawere
Aro robi won le won lori
Apada pari ibi da
Ibi oo rokere fefe lo ree tedo si
Itu maa tu won niso
Itu oloko! Atuudeyin
It is Ori that creates one, nobody creates Ori
It is Orisa that changes one’s life, nobody changes the life of Orisa
Ifa revelation to Adigbonnanku, a native of Ode-Eran
Whose relatives were envious of
He said if it were its own case
Itawere does not go to the land of the dead without return
Going and return is the case of itawere
Itawere doesn’t go to the land of the death without return
Going and return is the case of Itawere
They do not eat okro at Orun Ekan
Going and return is the case of itawere
Itawere doesn’t go to the land of the death without return
Going and return is the case of Itawere
They do not eat garden egg at Orun ede
Going and return is the case of itawere
Itawere doesn’t go to the land of the death without return
Going and return is the case of Itawere
They do not eat pepper at Orun Momonijojo
Going and return is the case of itawere
Itawere doesn’t go to the land of the death without return
Going and return is the case of Itawere
Cock must not crow at Orun Apaadi
Going and return is the case of itawere
Itawere doesn’t go to the land of the death without return
Going and return is the case of Itawere
i. Ifa is warning women who are richer than their husband. They should not let the wealth make them arrogant to the husbands so that they will not experience setback. They should be careful not to be too stingy especially to the husband. It is necessary for them to support the husbands financially. Also, the husband should always be consulted before embarking on any capital project or business. On this, Ifa says:
Ogorun-un lemeso owo
Ifun-unfun-un lemeso eluju
Aisi owo la n aoodun-run mo
Kin ni irinwo baba re to ni se
Ewure fori sile o pa lorunkun
A difa fun Osunleyo aya Orunmila
To n lo ree ra ere leru
O ni
Mo kowo roja mo ragi oko
Mo kowo roja mo ra aworan
Aworan o le soro mo rugi oyin
One hundred cowries is a good amount of money
As bees are good in the forest
It is austerity that makes one keep three hundred cowries
Of what value is four hundred cowries which is higher than it?
A goat gets bald knees instead of head
Ifa revelation to Osunleyo, wife of Orunmila
Who was going to buy an image as a servant
She lamented:
I went to the market with money but unfortunate to buy a wooden image
I went to the market with money but unfortunate to buy an image
The wooden image cannot talk, I am doomed
ii. Ifa said men who are capable should not run away from polygamy. Also, women who find it difficult to have come across single men for marriage should consider being in polygamous home provided the husband is capable. Men should try to understand their wives and always try to protect them because, that is their primary responsibility. On this, Ifa says:
Adaba aboju tiuntiun
Orun nigale osu
Aguntan ri mi loja omo re n wo mi
A difa fun Orunmila Opitan
Baba n lo fe Ade-ori omo Olokun
Baba n lo fe Ejigbara Ileke omo Olokun
Baba n lo fe Ojiwinjiwin omo iya Ifa omo Olokun
Ade-ori loun ko gbodo ri sisu eji
Ejigbara-ileke loun o gbodo gbo kiku ojo
Ojiwinjiwin omo iya Ifa omo Olokun, eji o gbodo kan lara
Ariro deji ro
O ba momo deji ro de mi
Ariro deji ro
Adaba aboju tiuntiun
Orun nigale osu
Aguntan ri mi loja omo re n wo mi
Cast Ifa for Orunmila, the ancient historian
When he was going to marry Ade-ori omo Olokun
When he was going to marry Ejigbara Ileke omo Olokun
When he was going to marry Ojiwinjiwin omo iya Ifa omo Olokun
Ade-ori must not see cloudy sky
Ejigbara-ileke must not hear the sound of rain
Ojiwinjiwin omo iya Ifa omo Olokun must not be touched by rain
Ariro, stop the rain for me
You should stop the rain for me
Ariro stop the rain for me
Ifa said many barrens will become parents. There is need to make ebo and appease Obatala. This will enhance the fertility of the men and make procreation more possible. On this, Ifa says:
A o fepo si isin isin pon
Ao fiyo si ogede ogede dun
A difa fun Onagbonnagbon
Ti n lo ree toro omo lodo Orisa
Onagbonnagbon baba omo
Bi o si Onagbonnagbon omo o waye
Onagbonnagbon baba omo
We do not add palm oil to pumpkin and the pumpkin is red
We do not add salt to banana and banana is sweet
Ifa revelation to Onagbonnagbon
When going to Orisa for fertility
Onagbonnagbon is responsible for procreation of every child
If not Onagbonnagbon, no child can be produced
Onagbonnagbon is responsible for procreation of every child
Ifa said the Oba (rulers) and Araba/Oluwo should not be going out of the palace or abode when they are supposed to stay in the palace or abode. Staying at home is necessary for them so that their community will not lose some opportunities. Also, they should not use soap whose components include bitter leaf or okro. On this, Ifa says:
Mo yun oko
Mo yun odo
Awo ile Elesie
A difa fun Elesie Owowoleji
Okere fefe! Ibi di ibi maa lo
Do not go to the farm
Do not go to the river
Ifa declaration to Elesie, Owowoleji
Far away! Let misfortune go away.
Ifa says we should make ebo to prevent sickness and death. Also, we should always use things that can boost the immunity system. The sick needs to make ebo and use Akose-Ifa whose items include iyere (Piper Guineense). On this, Ifa says:
Orunmila ni o di kaare
Won ni Oniko de
Won ni oniko yeesi?
Won ni oniko iku ni
Orunmila ni kii se oniko toun
Orunmila ni ki won mu ata ko o
O ni ko maa lo
Orunmila ni o di kaare
Won ni Oniko de
Won ni oniko yeesi?
Won ni oniko arun ni
Orunmila ni kii se oniko toun
O ni ki won mu eeru ko o
O ni Ko maa lo
Orunmila ni o di kaare
Won ni Oniko de
Won ni oniko yeesi?
Won ni oniko ara ya ni
Orunmila ni oniko toun ni
O ni ki won mu iyere ko o
O ni ko duro
Won ni Orunmila o ti se se e
O ni ara ya ata ko dale
Ara ya eeru ko dosan
Iyere nikan ni ara ya tegbotegbo
Ara ya n bi ko ya?
Ara ya o oyaya
Orunmila said we hear the news
Ifa said an emissary has arrived
They asked, what is the mission
They said he has come with message of death
Orunmila said that emissary is not for him
He said they should give him pepper
He said he should be sent away
Orunmila said we hear the news
Ifa said an emissary has arrived
They asked, what is the mission
They said he has come with message of sickness
Orunmila said that emissary is not for him
He said they should give him Guinea (Negro) pepper
He said he should be sent away
Orunmila said we hear the news
Ifa said an emissary has arrived
They asked, what is the mission
They said he has come with message of sound health
Orunmila said this emissary is for him
He said they should give him iyere (Piper Guineense).
He said he should be asked to stay
They asked Orunmila why the step
He said, healthy condition of pepper does not last long
Healthy condition of eeru, Guinea (Negro) Pepper does not last long as well
Only Iyere’s (Piper Guineense’s) leaves and root possess substance of health benefits
Hope you are now strongly healthy?
Surely, we are healthy
Ifa advises children to face their studies. The students should be serious with learning, apprentices should face what they are learning and acquire the expected skills. We should not be too impatient to make money. Acquisition of skills should be considered first for this will lead to success in one’s chosen profession. Ifa says people will benefit greatly from foreigners, especially foreigners across the ocean. Everybody should acquire useful skills and knowledge to render the needed services to the foreigners so that the services will not turn out to be scam. Ifa said with honesty and hardworking, people will become wealthy through the connections with foreigners or foreign lands. On this, Ifa says:
Ise lomode kekere fi n kofa
Bo ba dagba tan
A josin, a joro
A jaye Ifa gbindingbindin bi eni to n layin
A difa fun Otura ti yoo towo boko leebo
Mo towo boko mo sinmi
Otura lo towo boko leebo
Mo towo boko mo fare yo
It is with suffering that a child learns Ifa
When he grows up
He enjoys wealth
He enjoys Ifa life with great honour
Ifa revelation to Otura, who would have connections with foreigners
I have connections with foreigners and I become comfortable
It was Otura who has connections with foreigners
I have connections with foreigners and I receive fortunes
1. Do not use akose Ifa soap prepared with Ewuro, Bitter Leaf
2. Do not use akose Ifa soap prepared with okro
3. Always keep lights in your shrines and grooves
4. Eating a lot of fruits especially Agbalumo
5. Work more with your Ori
Egbe Orun
Verses recorded, transcribed and translated by:
Chief (Dr) Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode (President, International Council for Ifa Religion (ICIR))
Chief (Dr.) Abiodun Fafolarin Agboola
Chief Fakayode Olanipekun
Chief Adewale Oso
Otunba Kehinde Idowu-Fagbohun
Prince Adeyinka Ojopagogo (Chairman, Publication Committee)
Miss Fabukola Abike Fakayode
Ojoawo Ojerinu Windare
Oluwo Fabuluje Fayomi Fakayode (Spanish Translator)
Awoyomi Fakayode (Portuguese Translator)
Oluwo Fatou Abioose Ogougbeyi (French Translator)
Aboru, Aboye, Abosise.